Introduction to quantum computer technology

24 04 2008

Here is an interesting article: An Overview of Quantum Computing for Technology Managers. As the title says, it is aimed at the technology managers. This means that there is no formula and that this paper can be read by everybody.

In 20 pages, you will have an overview of the currently very active field of quantum computing. A short presentation of the two most important quantum algorithms are given which are the Grover’s algorithm (database search algorithm) and the Shor’s algorithm (integer factorization algorithm). Simulation,  cryptography and security are also discussed.

I did not read the whole article, but it does not seem to discuss about the concrete applications. One could think that we are still far from building a quantum computer. But a Canadian company seems to be much closer than the scientific community would have thought. See here and here for some comments about this company. Did they build a real quantum computer? Some people are skeptical…

Talend’s contribution in scientific domains

28 02 2008

As an open source software, Talend Open Studio (now in version 2.3.1) can help you to integrate your scientific data. Here is an example at the University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT) in Austria.

Moreover, it is not said in the article, but Talend Open Studio is able to convert your data in the Weka format if you need to do some data mining. The components are named tFileInputARFF and tFileOutputARFF.

They allow you to import (export) data from (into) any supported storage system into (from) a file in ARFF (Attribute-Relation File Format). The documentation for these components will come soon. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask questions on the forum or to look at the documentation for Talend Opend Studio.